Why Doesn't Bush Want You to See Photos From Darfur?
The situation in Darfur has become one of the world's worst crises; two million people have fled their homes and more than 400,000 civilians have been killed since 2003.
Brian Steidle, a 29-year-old former Marine, was in Darfur from January 2004 to February 2005, acting as a U.S. representative to the African Union peacekeeping mission. He resigned from his job last year and is now on a 25-city national Save Darfur tour sharing his stories and photos:
"I was tired of taking pictures of dead bodies, tired of seeing maggots foam out of their mouths," Steidle said. "I was tired of hearing those stories of women who had lost everyone in their families, and then gang-raped. Tired of looking into their eyes and telling them there was nothing I could do for them."
His riveting photographs are being exhibited at Cornell University, UCLA, and -- later this month -- Princeton, and have also appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post. He has testified before Congress, the United Nations and the British House of Commons.
Steidle said he has also lobbied the inner sanctum of the Bush administration, but has been asked repeatedly by U.S. officials to stop showing his photographs.

Also, be sure to check out the Darfur Diaries, a documentary that gives a voice to the people of Darfur, including refugees and displaced people, fighters resisting the Sudanese government, child soldiers, teachers, parents, children and community leaders. The documentary is showing next week in the Bay Area and later this month in Ann Arbor and Minneapolis. Click here for details.
"And if we kill each other, it's our problem. It's not the American’s problem."
(One of the five Iraqi women in New York City over the weekend to tell Americans what life is like under occupation and to meet with UN and US officials to call for withdrawl of the American troops and a peace plan.)
You're comparing Darfur to Iraq??? Timmy, you need to meditate.
I'm comparing the notion that the U.S. should stay out of countries where they kill each other because it's none of our buisness.
I think that's wrong, with all due respect for Eman Ahmad Khamas's and her Code Pink pals foreign policy recommendations.
When it comes to Darfur, there's a world of blame to go around...
And Bush is opposed to nation building.
Hmm..I'm not sure what your point is.
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