Stories in America
I host a daily public affairs radio show in San Francisco called Your Call. It airs from 11 am - noon PST on KALW 91.7 FM. I am also happy to report that I recently got a book deal with PoliPoint Press to write about my road trip through the heartland and the interviews I did with people about why they vote the way they do (or not). It's scheduled to be out in September.

Give her a break. Condi and Bush have to make difficult decisions every day. It's not easy running the most democratic country in the world.
Truthseeker: "Condi and Bush have to make difficult decisions every day."
Welfl replies: Yeah, like, "Which lie are you going to tell for me today, Condi?"
"I don't know, sir. People are starting to catch onto all of them. There aren't very many good ones left."
"Well, now, don't go lettin' the truth slip out. You ain't growin' soft on me, are ya?"
"Why no! Never, sir! I'll lie like a rug for you. Even if I have to tell a lie that makes us both look like fools, I'll gladly do it. The mainstream media never presses the issue anyway."
"Only in America... Right, Condi?"
"You said it, sir."
Condi hearts Bush.
I think Condi should have beat the crap out of him.
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