Stories in America
I host a daily public affairs radio show in San Francisco called Your Call. It airs from 11 am - noon PST on KALW 91.7 FM. I am also happy to report that I recently got a book deal with PoliPoint Press to write about my road trip through the heartland and the interviews I did with people about why they vote the way they do (or not). It's scheduled to be out in September.

Given that George W. Bush campaigned as a "compassionate conservative" and really never gave any indications that he would govern as a fiscal conservative (re: spending) it should surprise no one that the president hasn't made restraining spending a priority.
Jack, that is FUCKIN hilarious!!!! I can't stop laughing. Man, you are funny. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Can I take you out for a drink?
Thanks, Joker! And yes, you can take me out for all the drinks you want. I'll got a million just like that one that'll keep you LOLing all night.
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