Living in a Surreal World: Haggard Hearts Bush

So another "Christian" has been outed. Bill O'Reilly was so uncomfortable during tonight's segment on Ted Haggard; he wanted it to be over as soon as possible. He forgot to mention that Haggard had weekly conference calls with the White House. I'm sure it was an oversight.
When will these so-called anti-gay "conservatives" learn? When you repress men and damn them to hell for having feelings for other men, they end up resorting to inappropriate behavior (Foley) and hurting a lot of innocent people in the process. Haggard is married with five kids. Message to gay Republicans and gay Christians. Just come out. Join the Log Cabin Republicans. Stop the insanity.
"Vote Democrat for the love of God."
And for those of you who don't covet the love of God all that much, there's more than one reason to vote Democratic...
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