Kuwaiti women went to the polls today for the
very first time, making Saudi Arabia the only Arab country that doesn't alow women to vote:"It takes a lot of guts in this male-dominated society to stand in front of parliament in an orange T-shirt, holding a huge banner asking for the right to vote," said Ashwaq al-Mudaf, 33, a civil engineer. "Our society was not used to that kind of behavior.
Voters make the sign of victory as they await their turns to cast their votes in Kuwait June 29, 2006. (Stephanie McGehee/Reuters)
Rola Dashti economist and a candidate running for a seat in Kuwait's parliament talks to voters at a polling station in Kuwait June 29, 2006. Kuwaitis voted for a new parliament on Thursday with women running and casting ballots for the first time in a national poll in the Gulf Arab state. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra(KUWAIT)
Nabeela Al Anjari an economist and a candidate running for a seat in Kuwait's parliament smiles as she arrives at a polling station in Kuwait June 29, 2006. Kuwaitis voted for a new parliament on Thursday with women running and casting ballots for the first time in a national poll in the Gulf Arab state. REUTERS/Zohra Bensemra (KUWAIT)
Fatma al-Muteiri, scion of an ancient bedouin tribe and candidate in Kuwait's parliamentary elections, stands outside a polling station in Riqqa. Kuwaiti women have turned out in force to vote for the first time in parliamentary elections in the oil-rich Gulf state after a heated campaign focused on electoral reform and corruption. (AFP/Awad Awad)
Supporters of Kuwaiti candidates, running for a seat in Kuwaiti parliament, walk to the polling booths in Kuwait June 29, 2006. Kuwaitis voted for a new parliament on Thursday with women running and casting ballots for the first time in a national poll in the Gulf Arab state. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee (KUWAIT)
You can thank American interventionism for this news.
Oh wait, I forgot how good life was under Saddam. Too bad the Kuwaitis never got the chance to experience those glories.
What a simple mind you have.
Well, it's just that I've read so much here about the good old days in Iraq when Saddam was in charge. Just seems a little sad that Kuwait never got the opportunity to experience his benevolent leadership due to American military intervention.
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