Monday, February 05, 2007

Support for Lt. Ehren Watada

Vetnam veteran Ken Schwilk of Lacey voices his support for Lt. Ehren Watada during a rally near the entrance for Fort Lewis on Monday. Scott Eklund/Seattle Post-Intelligencer

A group calling themselves the Tacoma Puppetistas, dressed as (right to left) President Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice supported Lt. Ehren Watada during a rally near the entrance to Fort Lewis on Monday.
Scott Eklund/Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Tina Bean, Iraq veteran, marches in support for Ehren Watada near the entrance for Fort Lewis on Monday. Scott Eklund/Seattle Post-Intelligence


  1. Lt. Watada will be made a martyr for his couragous stance against Bu$h's ugly war. When they persecute him for doing the right thing, his supporters will strengthen their resolve and his support will grow. The Goliath will find itself beaten back by Ehren's slingshot of truth.....

  2. When I first saw those giant puppet heads in prison stripes I thought the Hamburgler was protesting Bush.
