<\body> Stories in America: The VA Took Two Years to Diagnose Brain Injury

Monday, March 12, 2007

The VA Took Two Years to Diagnose Brain Injury

The Bush administration could easily take care of this ongoing problem, but it would rather send more men and women to their deaths, continue awarding multi-billion dollar contracts to their friends, and give tax cuts to the wealthy. Just today, Cheney accused Democrats of undermining the troops. This is insane. At least the national media has woken up:
Following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, the Hardys both enlisted in the Army. Gina was stationed in Germany.

After Warren became a U.S. citizen, he was sent to Iraq.

A few months into his tour, his armored vehicle rolled over a bomb and the explosion whipped Hardy violently around inside.

He said a witness who took a picture of him "said we went 10 feet up in the air."

Hardy blacked out, but military doctors didn't screen him for head injury. They checked his knees and sent him back into the fight two days later.

"I knew something was wrong," he said. "I was always banging my head into obstacles. And it's like my memory of what's around me wasn't keeping the information."

It wasn't until two years after his injury that doctors at the Veterans Administration finally diagnosed Hardy with traumatic brain injury.


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