<\body> Stories in America: Iraqi Lawmaker: Democratic Ideas are More Related to Reality

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Iraqi Lawmaker: Democratic Ideas are More Related to Reality

How about listening to an Iraqi for a change? Their voices are glaringly missing from the debate in this country. Instead, the talking heads who've never been to Iraq or fought in a war have the microphone:
"I see that the Democratic ideas are more related to reality," said Ammar Tuma, a lawmaker who serves in Maliki's ruling Shiite coalition. "They talk about the real problems that the Iraqis are facing every day."

To date, government officials said, they've also found Democratic visitors such as Pelosi, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois less parochial, more culturally sensitive and more willing to listen to Iraqi concerns than Republicans.

"Before, Bush used to order Iraqi officials to do this and that," said one member of Maliki's Islamic Dawa Party, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The Republicans were dictating the political process in Iraq. With the Democrats in control of Congress, the Republicans are now less influential than before. It helps us in a sense to breathe a bit more and to have more freedom."


At 1/29/2007 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a minute there I thought this was a joke post.

"They talk about the real problems that the Iraqis are facing every day."

You mean like how the Democrats talk about abandoning Iraq and watching the bloodbath as the country descends into chaos and terrorist rule?

Yeah, well, I guess that would fall into the category of "real problems"...


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