Rice Congratulates Gay Global AIDS Coorindator and His Partner

Rice, one of Bush's most loyal appointees, recognizes gay marriage (she's also "mildly pro-choice"). The anti-gay Christian Right is quickly learning that they have been used.
As First Lady Laura Bush stood behind her, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice administered the oath of office on Oct. 10 to gay physician Mark Dybul as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, a post that has the rank of ambassador.
In a ceremony held at the State Department's historic Benjamin Franklin Room, Dybul placed his hand on a Bible held by his domestic partner, Jason Claire. Dybul's parents and Claire’s mother stood nearby as Dybul became the nation's third openly gay ambassador.
"I am truly honored and delighted to have the opportunity to swear in Mark Dybul as our next Global AIDS Coordinator," Rice said. "I am pleased to do that in the presence of Mark's parents, Claire and Richard, his partner, Jason, and his mother-in-law, Marilyn," she said.
"You have a wonderful family to support you, Mark, and I know that's always important to us. Welcome," Rice said.
In remarks following the swearing-in, Laura Bush noted that Dybul will oversee President Bush’s $15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, a widely acclaimed program backed by AIDS activists and approved by Congress as part of an aggressive U.S. effort to fight AIDS in developing countries.
"I know you'll bring great skill and enthusiasm to the fight against AIDS," Laura Bush said. “Congratulations, ambassador.”
Maybe Condi's in "denial" again....
Either way, congrats Condi. And good for you -- looks like you're not going to be intimidated by gay GOP witchhunt...
And so it begins....
“I have resigned today from Congressman Tom Reynolds’ office. It is clear the Democrats are intent on making me a political issue in my boss’s race, and I will not let them do so."
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