American Soldiers, Seniors Protest Bush Outside the UN

The liberal media was apparently too busy to cover this:
Thousands of protesters including former American soldiers rallied outside U.N. headquarters on Tuesday, urging the U.S. government to end the war in Iraq and bring home the troops.
Nearby, about 200 other protesters demonstrated against the presence of the Iranian president, others called for human rights in Myanmar, and just a handful demonstrated to press claims the United States orchestrated the Sept. 11 attacks.
While world leaders gathered at the U.N. General Assembly inside, about 2,000 anti-Iraq war protesters chanted "Peace can work, no more war" half an hour before U.S. President George W. Bush spoke.
"This war has drained the economy and has cost a lot of lives," said Claire Thompson, a nurse and union leader. "We're calling on our leaders to end this unsustainable war and just bring the troops back home."
"The liberal media was apparently too busy to cover this"
2,000 protesters, eh? Hey at least you had a Reuters report to link to...and some AP photos...and there was some television coverage as well.
But yeah, it's enough to make you think that you'd need 35,000 protesters to make the liberal media pay any attention, doesn't it?
Not so.
Of course, it would really help if it wasn't a pro-Israel, anti-Iran rally....
"My guess is you never read or heard about the rally. The story Scot Silverstein sent us is from JTA, a Jewish news service. Scot writes:
A Google news search on "Israel rally UN" or similar terms only brings back a few hits, mostly from Jewish agencies.
This is stunning and deserves some attention. From an information science perspective it is as clear evidence of world news media collusion and bias as any."
"Great story, wonderful coverage. Can you guess which Jew-controlled Main Stream Media paper reported this? The New York Times? The Washington Post? Actually it was a Jew-controlled news agency: JTA News."
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