Protesting Bush's Budget (Offline) members filled the offices of over 100 swing vote Republican members of Congress yesterday to express their concerns about Bush's budget and tell real stories about how the cuts have negatively impacted and will continue to impact their lives. Signing online petitions and making phone calls is well and good, but going directly to a politicians' office with a group makes a huge impact:
"The best moment for me was seeing the look on the staffer's face when he saw a group of people carrying signs walk into the office followed by 2 major tv news crews with cameras!"
-Linda O. from Hickory, NC.
"An elderly veteran spoke about how Medicare and veterans' benefits cuts would hurt him, and how his grandson (an injured Iraq war veteran) was not being properly cared for. This short speech clearly moved Rep. Kolbe's staff, and the senior aide came over and shook the old man's hand. She was visibly moved by this story."
-Geoffrey N. from Tucson, AZ.
"The congressional aide we met with stated that they rarely have anyone come by with an opinion, much less a group bigger then 10, and that this alone would garner our Rep's attention."
-Kernan H, Austin, TX
I wonder why the 'liberal media' isn't giving a voice to these radical anti-American loony leftists.

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