Stories in America
I host a daily public affairs radio show in San Francisco called Your Call. It airs from 11 am - noon PST on KALW 91.7 FM. I am also happy to report that I recently got a book deal with PoliPoint Press to write about my road trip through the heartland and the interviews I did with people about why they vote the way they do (or not). It's scheduled to be out in September.
Given that "insanity" is the word you chose to describe a Florida town that would prohibit pornography, birth control, and abortion, I assume you'd regard the Orthodox kibbutz my girlfriend grew up in as an insane asylum for the same reasons. No porn, no birth control, no abortion clinics there either...and that's the least of it.
Personally, nonconformists who choose to live together without porn, abortion clinics, etc. don't really bother me. In fact, I welcome it as an opportunity to celebrate diversity.
Oh, and by the way, she speaks very fondly of the years she lived there.
Wow, you're more clueless than I thought. There's a big difference between a kibbutz and a Christofascist town.
Educate me Tommy.
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