Anti-War Protests in the States
*"We're a strong military family," said Larry Syverson, a Chesterfield County, Virginia resident and member of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of about 3,000 military families in the U.S. against the war. "Having two sons getting ready to go (to Iraq), I really wanted to support it and I kept looking at it ... but nothing added up to make me support it." The 57-year-old environmental engineer has never protested a war. Syverson believes there are two reasons for the war: access to Iraqi oil and settling an old vendetta between the Bush family and Saddam Hussein.
*Vietnam veteran Gary May, 57, co-chairman of the Veterans for Peace chapter in Evansville, Indianapolis attended the rally in his wheelchair. He said the Iraq war "resonates with those from the Vietnam generation" because it has no clear objective or sign of when it will end.
*"I'm just terribly opposed to the administration and what they've been doing. I think (Bush) lied about why we went in."
-Martha Newton, 77, Melbourne, Florida
*In Eugene, Oregon Sara Rich, who said her daughter went AWOL from the military rather than go back to Iraq for a second tour, stressed the day's theme: Bring the troops home now. "A moment of silence is not enough," she said.
*"I saw what happened during the protests for Vietnam, because when there was enough of them on the street, the government started to pay attention," said Donna Spangler, of Chalfont, Pa. "I lost my brother in Vietnam. I know what it does to families."
*Ed Snyder, 48, of Pennington, Pa. called the Bush administration's decision to invade Iraq "immoral." "The real reason for the war is revenge for 9/11, so it's misguided revenge," Snyder said while sitting in a pew at a church that was a stop on the march. "I totally disagree with it."
*"I don't look it, but I'm very angry about what we're doing," Duluth, Minnesota marcher Lynn Goerdt, carrying a sign reading "Bring the Troops Home Now" said. "We're dying, they're dying, and it isn't changing anything."

Wow, what a radical bunch of folks. Why on earth would the Democratic party associate with these pinko commies??
Of course, you do realize that the vast majority of military families support Bush. And they are the aberration within the aberration at these protest marches.
Besides, it looks like these marches are more and more limited to the Very Truest of True Believers these days...
More on the Incredibly Shrinking Anti-War Protest Crowds here, and some lovely pics of some of the folks sure to impress Middle America...
So yeah, please remind me again how these protest marches are such a publicity coup the anti-war left. Hell, given their diminishing numbers, they hardly seem able to convince themselves it's a worthwhile enterprise.
"And they are the aberration within the aberration..."
(..."they" reffering be the anti-Bush/War contingent)
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