Must See Video From Coretta King's Funeral
This is all over the place, but I had to post it. This Crooks and Liars video is from Coretta Scott King's funeral earlier today. Speaking in front of the current president, Reverend Dr. Joseph Lowery said, "She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on mission way afar. We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there [standing ovation]... but Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty aounds. For war billions more, but no more for the poor."
President Jimmy Carter said, "It was difficult for them [the King's] then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps."
Of course, conservative talking heads are accusing Reverend Lowery and President Carter of turning the event into a Bush bashing event. Too bad. What they said is true and no one can deny that the King family was anything but politial.
How did W and Laura react to Reverend Lowery's speech?

Having grown up in the SF Bay Area, I have lots of leftist friends. They're not bad people, they just don't know better, and there's so much peer pressure; everyone wants to fit in.
But the constant injection of politics into inappropriate situations is really beginning to grate on me.
Everybody has heard it said that the two things you don't talk about in polite company are religion and politics. This is basic manners, because you don't know whose toes you're stepping on. But this social value is being discarded, which bothers me. I've seen politics now at my friends' wedding, in party invitations, in holiday cards, and at parties. Really aggressive generalizations about Bush and/or republicans. And the thing is, these aren't particularly knowlegable people; they're just doing it to fit in. Terrible manners has now become a liberal value.
It's gotten so pervasive that one cringes preemptively now in certain situations, bracing for the nearly inevitable and inappropriate injection of aggresive left-wing politics.
There are just as many ill-informed conservatives. I believe we should talk about politics because the personal is political.
"they don't know better"
yeah, let's box all leftists together.
where do you get most of your news, timmy?
But the constant injection of politics into inappropriate situations is really beginning to grate on me.
Oh my goodness, Timmy, sit down before you make yourself dizzy and breathless.
How dare any of the speakers bring up topics such as racism, poverty, war and backwards conservatism when celebrating the life of a woman who was defined by her opposition to all of these things?
Far better had they all sat there on their hands, nodding solemnly, saying nothing.
It is a marvel to watch conservatives cluck and feign righteousness at the witness of a ceremony that featured precisely the sort of speakers and causes Mrs. King chose to associate with in her lifetime.
It isn't always about you and your wants, Timmy. I wish the other goober talking heads would figure that out as well.
Heh...I'd bet you guys would be singing a different tune if the GOP hijacked the funeral to attack affirmative action by referencing MLK's call for people to be judged on the content of their character, not their color.
I wouldn't. But that's the difference between us I guess. I don't think funerals are the proper place for political rallies. Blame it on my upbringing.
Of course, if I were a republican I'd encourge all of you to wallow in this sort of behavior at every possible opportunity. This is just the sort of thing that is killing democrats at the polls.
You know what you guys should really be pissed off about? This was the one Bush attended event that Code Pink probably had carte blanche to crash... and they couldn't be bothered to show up.
Ah, they were probably worried about parking in a "bad" neighborhood.
Here's what's beautiful--speakers at the funeral include statements which are true facts.
1.) There were no weapons of mass distruction found.
2.) Victims of Hurricane Katrina were disportionately African American.
3.) MLK was wiretapped.
If the GOP wants to consider these facts to be "attacts" well, then, okay. So be it. The GOP spent years attacking the very sort of goals and ambitions that the Kings held. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Bush now that he stepped out of his specially screened bubble and got a little bit of sense about how other people feel about his policies and the content of HIS character? If he took that funeral as a personal assault then it's his own conscience bothering him. Likewise the rest of the GOP.
Sorry to hear, Timmy, that you're languishing in such guilt. I hope you get better!
Me too! You sound angry. You might want to cut back on O'Reilly...
Gosh, maybe you guys are right. The Republicans are really missing the boat on this funeral-as-political-rally thing. You'd think they would have figured it out after the Wellstone politicalrallyrfuneral and the tremendous success that brought the Democrats.
Republicans just don't seem to "get" what great opportunities these funerals are....Can you imagine how the conservative media would have reported a Republican using the Reagan funeral to score political points by pointing out that Democrats were wrong about communism and that they are just as wrong on terrorism? (True facts!) Boy, talk about taking a call third strike on a pitch up the middle, you'd think Karl Rove would have been all over that. I tell you, that guy gets way too much credit. I bet he didn't even think of arranging the flowers into a subliminal pro-republican slogan.
(Oh, and speaking of True Facts, isn't it unfortunate that Bush didn't mention that Bobby Kennedy was wiretapping King? I mean, geez, after all this was a funeral for the wife of's political mud wrestling time!)
Like anonymous mentioned up there:
"...we should talk about politics because the personal is political."
Well, anyway....yeah....right.
More True Facts! About Jimmeh Cartah:
I'll give up my O'Reilly.....when you pry the remote from my cold, dead fingers.
Man, the rightwingers had a field day with this. Their desperation is so pathetic.
CARLSON: It's not hard to hear that [your remarks] and not draw the obvious conclusion that that's an attack on President Bush, which of course is your right to do, and I think completely fair. But again, it seemed very uncomfortable to say something like that in a funeral with the president right there. It seemed like bad manners.
LOWERY: Well, I don't think so. I certainly didn't intend for it to be bad manners. I did intend for it to -- to call attention to the fact that Mrs. King spoke truth to power. And here was an opportunity to demonstrate how she spoke truth to power about this war and about all wars.
And I think that, in the context of the faith, out of which the movement grows, we have always opposed war. We've always fought poverty. And we base our -- our argument on -- on the faith, on the fact that Jesus taught us. He identified with the poor. "I was hungry; you didn't feed me. I was naked; you didn't clothe me. I was in prison; you didn't see about me." He talked about war. He talked about he who lives by the sword.
So I'm comfortable with the fact that I was reflecting on Mrs. King's tenacity against war, her determination to witness against war and to speak truth to power.
Oh, Gawd.
"What Eulogy Would Jesus Give"
Gawd, like you couldn't see THAT one coming.
Can you imagine how the conservative media would have reported a Republican using the Reagan funeral to score political points by pointing out that Democrats were wrong about communism and that they are just as wrong on terrorism? (True facts!)
Well, if by "true facts" you mean "true supposition".
Or if by "being right" you mean "ignoring intelligence reports indicating Al Qaeda planning imminent attack" and "making up nonsense to go in the State of the Union address" then, yeah Timmy, I suppose your point is valid.
As for Reagan, families can do whatever they want at their loved ones funeral. Frankly, the fact that the rest of the country had to deal with a week-long nonstop orgy of Reagan love fest. Certainly not the funeral and memorial that I would have liked for the old bugger, but then again, the people "celebrating" him were not my friends, not my peers and certainly not of my liking. So Dems and the millions of people who really didn't have much use for Reagan at all sat back and kept quiet. They didn't bitch and moan in the media about how offensive they found the whole whitewashing.
Do you think the content of the Reverend's speech would have change with our without the village idiot from Texas behind him? Does it make it better or worse that Dubya was present to hear an oppositional opinion?
Or maybe you're upset because when Republicans die, no one gives a shit.
Fox just had a "debate" with two paid 'commentators' about the funeral. The anchor's said, "yesterday's funeral took for the worse."
"This was inappropriate especially since the president was sitting right behind him, but he dealt with it so well."
Of course, not one of these right wingers and NPR's Juan Williams (whatever he his) disputed the facts in the speeches.
Fucking pathetic.
"yesterday's funeral took a turn for the worse"
TV news is insulting. Jon Stewart said it so well the other night: the cartoons my son watches treat him with more respect than news anchors treat their viewers
Or maybe you're upset because when Republicans die, no one gives a shit.
Yeah, I was really upset that over 100,000 citizens waited for hours in long lines to pass the President Reagan's body as it lay in state under the Capital dome. Then the thousands more that lined the motorcade routes etc..
But...leaving your revisionist history aside, you can have the last word. You really earned it with that last sentence. No doubt your good standing in The Party of Compassion will be assured for a lifetime with that thoughtful little nugget.
You really earned it with that last sentence. No doubt your good standing in The Party of Compassion will be assured for a lifetime with that thoughtful little nugget.
You're right...I should have clarified that to read "no one cares when Republicans who have put themselves on the line for civil rights have died."
That's because there are none.
Thanks for the last word, Timmy. U rawk.
Man, you guys sure keep tabs on O'Reilly, network news anchors, and television news stuff.
The only thing I watch on broadcast TV is "24," "Lost," and "Southpark."
Well, considering the majority of Americans get their news from television, you might want to check out what they're being fed from time to time.
Homework assignment for Kat: Civil Rights in America.
Republicans vs. Democrats on civil rights legislation...count the votes.
Who was Bull Connor? What was his party affiliation?
What was the first name of the Kennedy who wiretapped Martin Luther King?
From Free Republic:
" Carter was manipulating ignorant blacks in their time of suffering."
Rose, great blog. Coffee sometime?
Timmy I am fully aware that the Democrats purged their party of the racists within and that they all joined the GOP.
You're embarassing yourself with trying to conflate the fringe identities of the Democrats and Republicans of the 1950s and early 1960s.
Sorry Kat...I forgot all about The Great Democratic Racist Purgings of....well, whatever year that was.
Maybe Robert Byrd knows the exact date.
I'm sorry Timmy doesn't recognize the year 1964 as being somewhat watershed. Oh well.
Ah, yes...The Watershed year of 1964.
Only 64 percent of Democrats in Congress voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act (153 for, 91 against in the House; and 46 for, 21 against in the Senate). But 80 percent of Republicans (136 for, 35 against in the House; and 27 for, 6 against in the Senate) voted for the 1964 Act.
Sorry Kat....looks like you'll have to repeat history class.
What part of "the racists in the democratic party of the late 50's and early 60s bolted to form the base of the modern GOP after the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964" do you not understand?
There's a reason Strom Thurmond used to be a Democrat, became a Dixiecrat and then became the toast of the GOP. Try to figure it out.
"What part of "the racists in the democratic party of the late 50's and early 60s bolted to form the base of the modern GOP after the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964" do you not understand?"
Oh, I get all the Democratic racists bolted the racist party to join the non-racist party that supported Civil Rights legislation.
I guess Robert Byrd didn't get the memo.
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